Well as you can see this blog is pretty much a shrine to my first born son. I will try to post new pictures and updates every week. This Father's Day was a very special one for me, it being my first as a father and all. It still amazes me that I could help make something so perfect as Colden. I'm so proud of his every accomplishment be it raising his head, smiling at someone, rolling over or just taking a big dump. He has an array of expressions that can do everything from make you laugh to break your heart. I feel really blessed to be a part of his life and I'm taking every opportunity to enjoy it.
He is seven weeks old now and has grown so much since we first brought him home. He hasn't gained full control of his head yet, but he is managing to hold it up and look around before slamming it into Krissi's or my face. Krissi is doing great and has taken to motherhood very well. I am so proud of her. There is a special bond between them that I know will never go away.
He is sleeping and eating well. He has his moments where it seems nothing can console him... then he farts and all is right again. He loves his baths. (Especially the part where he becomes a human water fountain and baptizes innocent bystanders.) The dogs have taken to him nicely. Maci (our oldest boxer) is quite protective of him and will stand guard next to whomever is holding him.
Like I said earlier I'll use this blog to brag, fill everyone in on happenings and sometimes give funny anecdotes.
Till next time -