Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Updates and stuff

Sorry it's been so long since we've posted anything! We've been busy trying to sell our house, trying to get adjusted to living in a teeny tiny apartment, and just enjoying our time with Colden.

I meant to start writing a blog when I got pregnant, but I just didn't do it. I have more time now since I get to stay home with Colden, so I thought better late than never!

We are FINALLY going to sell our house (YAY!). We're supposed to close on August 18th. Chris talked to our realtor today and he said the inspection went great. I'm not going to get super excited about it until we sign the papers because I'm convinced something is going to fall through. I CANNOT WAIT to get out of this apartment. Between the kids that live above us and my bruised body, I'm about to lose my mind. There are four college kids living above us and they just got a puppy a few months ago. Of course they never walk the dog, and when they get tired of him, they just stick him on the balcony. He barks and barks until one of them opens the sliding glass door and screams, "Shut up [enter cussword here]!" and slams the door shut. They've woken us up numerous times, but thank goodness they've never woken up Colden (during the night at least...naptime is a different story). My bruised body comes from constantly running into things. There's about a foot between the back of the couch and the "bar" in the kitchen, about the same distance between the footboard of our bed and the armoire, and if we pull out one of the chairs at the table in the "dining room", it blocks the hallway to the bedrooms/bathrooms. I'm always in a hurry as it is, but chasing a one year old around trying to catch him before he sticks a piece of dog food in his mouth is really taking a toll on me. I'm covered with bruises. Chris said he's going to start making me wear pants and long sleeved shirts so people won't think he's beating me.

I think Chris is really enjoying his job here. He's on call less and they don't do quite as many cases as in Dallas because they don't do transplants here. He also only has to cover 2 hospitals instead of 4 or 5. I know Colden and I have loved having him home more. We've just been doing the family thing...taking Colden to the park, taking Colden swimming, letting Colden play with the vacuum cleaner...wait, what? Yes, the vacuum cleaner. This boy has an OBSESSION with vacuum cleaners. He calls it "dah." As a matter of fact, it's the first thing he asked for when he got up from his nap this afternoon. Not "mama" or "dada", but "dah", as he points to our room where we keep it. He's terrified of it when it's turned on, but it's all he wants to play with when it's just sitting there. He's very cautious though...he never turns his back on it and won't play with it unless one of us is sitting there with him. I mean, let's not be ridiculous...you never know when it will just turn on and suck you into the nothingness.

Colden turned 15 months old on the 29th. He's not walking...he is RUNNING. I thought I was in fairly good shape. I was incorrect. I don't know how he has so much energy. Maybe it's the 13 hours of sleep he gets every day, maybe there's some kind of super power in turkey dogs (his favorite) that I don't know about. He says mama, dada, lola (this is what we call Chris's mom), words resembling juice and cracker, and MANNY (which is a combination of our dogs' names, Maci and Annie). He makes a clicking noise with his tongue for toothbrush/toothpaste, says "me" for ball, slaps his chest for papaw (my dad), and makes this clicking sound in the back of his throat for punkin (my mom). We're teaching him sign language and he knows around 20 signs now. He is so smart it's scary. Anyway, here are a few pictures of him.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Well, we made it through Colden's first holiday shuffle with barely a scratch. He scored big from Santa as was expected and will probably continue this trend for years to come. Unfortunately, he didn't get the new 72 inch flat screen he wanted, but hey, there's always next year. In hind sight, we could of saved big and just wrapped empty boxes or maybe wrapped a pot and wooden spoon from the kitchen. Yes, he has discovered his inner drummer. He enjoyed the wrapping paper, although the taste of it left something to be desired. All in all, Christmas was a lot of fun and I look forward to the day he is peeing his pants for Christmas morning to come, instead of just peeing his pants. 
He is more mobile than ever, mastering the butt roll and climbing over everything. We have already had to lower his crib once and the final lowering is coming soon. It was pretty funny walking into his room in the morning to find him standing up and looking over the edge of his crib. I know he is making mental notes for his escape (planned for later this year). His crawling still needs some work, but I think he just wants to skip that step and go straight to walking. He likes to stand and is learning to fall gracefully on his rear. The falls, however, make his diaper deposits that much more enjoyable to clean .
Yes, he did wear a tux for his first New Year's Eve party. He figures if you are only partying till 8, then you better look better than everyone in the room. New Year's for us this year was the first where the stroke of midnight meant that our bedtime was soon to follow. We made it to a little before 2am before we made ourselves go to bed. And just like clock work Colden was up at 6:30am to wish us a "Happy New Year!" Sorry about the big gap in time between posts, this parenthood thing gets more and more time consuming. There is another post with just pictures after this one. Enjoy the pics.


More Xmas Pics