Monday, December 8, 2008

More Pics

More Colden!

Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting

I know, I know it has been over a month since my last post, but between Cancun and officially moving everything, that will fit, to Sherman there hasn't been a lot of free time. Cancun was fun, but as Krissi soon learned it's hard to leave the little booger and not see him for a week. He changes daily it seems. He wakes up every morning with a new ability. At this rate we should hit calculus by spring. 
He sits with confidence now and moves with more control. He has begun screaming "da daaa da daa dada" a lot and that will never get old. He is eating baby food regularly and watching his face as he figures out these new tastes is great. His favorites tend to be turkey and sweet potatoes and all fruits. We have also found out that he enjoys wearing green peas more than eating them. He is still a drool factory and I can't figure out how he doesn't dehydrate himself with the amount of fluids that are constantly leaving his face. Along with talking and crawling, I think he is teaching himself self defense. I have been throat chopped, eye gouged and he has fish hooked my nostrils on several occasions. He had also perfected the hair pull on Krissi and my favorite... the testicular river dance. 
He is extremely ticklish and his laugh makes tickling him addictive. Tickle him too long though and he resorts to one of the moves mentioned above. Consider that a warning. I will set up another post with just pictures to try and to catch up. Enjoy the pics.