Today Colden is twelve weeks old...Twelve weeks doesn't sound all that long and for the most part it has flown by. There were; however, those nights that felt like weeks, the few bouts of crying that seemed to last ages, and the moments he looked at you when time seemed to stop. He has changed so much in such a short period of time. He is holding his head up better everyday, following movements around him, and slowly gaining control of his fat laden arms and legs. His array of expressions seem to hold more meaning, making his smiles that much more enjoyable and his pouts even more pitiful. It is funny to think that I changed my first ever diaper only twelve weeks ago and now I can probably do it blind folded. (I didn't say it would be done well, but it would at least be on the right end.)
The drool has started. It's not a running faucet yet, but if given the chance, he can hang a spit-line down to his ankles. Colden has also mastered the art of spit bubbles. I was kinda hoping I would be the one to teach him this unappreciated art, but what can I say - he's gifted. The other day he managed to bullfrog one about two inches out from his face and reel it back in without popping it. TALENT! I'm sure this is just the beginning of his extraordinary abilities.
Here are some new pics. Look for the one where Colden is wondering if our friend Kelly can provide him with a little snack.
The drool has started. It's not a running faucet yet, but if given the chance, he can hang a spit-line down to his ankles. Colden has also mastered the art of spit bubbles. I was kinda hoping I would be the one to teach him this unappreciated art, but what can I say - he's gifted. The other day he managed to bullfrog one about two inches out from his face and reel it back in without popping it. TALENT! I'm sure this is just the beginning of his extraordinary abilities.
Here are some new pics. Look for the one where Colden is wondering if our friend Kelly can provide him with a little snack.
Beautiful baby!
I love all the things you do,Colden. Your beautiful facial expressions.... priceless!
I Love You and miss you everyday!!!
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