Saturday, August 30, 2008

Down with the Sickness

Well we are entering week two of the snotty nose saga. Colden has managed to contract a bug that gives him a perpetually slimy nose. Since I made it through the first few days without so much as a booger I figured my super-human immune system left me impervious. Oh, how I was wrong! The same bug that gives Colden his snotty nose leaves me feeling like I've contracted the Black Plague. Apparently depriving you of sleep and rearranging your entire schedule isn't enough for babies. They have to break you down physically as well. We are all slowly recuperating as this epidemic nears the end (I hope). 
I took the job in Sherman, Tx. It is a small town (aprox. 40,000) that is a little over an hour north of Dallas. The lighter case load and less call will give me more time with the fam and hopefully a lot less stress. The move itself isn't something I'm looking forward to, and hopefully we can sell the house without taking too big a loss. In the long run though I think it is going to be a good change.
Colden started laughing. Not a knee slapping, pee your pants (even though I think he does sometimes) kind of laugh. It is more of a sustained giggle, but it is just as contagious. I enjoy watching him get bigger and accomplish more milestones. I just wish his diaper deposits didn't grow with him. It is a constant test of intestinal fortitude every time he drops a deuce. I think a poet once wrote "If  you love something, set it free and if returns to you with a full diaper that you are willing to change, then it is true love" or something like that. 
He has also just recently discovered his feet. He can lay there and play with them completely content. It seems sometimes that he forgets they are there, and then when they enter his range of vision, they are a new discovery all over again. And as he does with all new things, they go straight to his mouth. The fact that he can put nearly all his toes in his mouth and I can barely touch mine makes me laugh. I guess I should start getting used to the idea that he will be able to do many things I no longer can. Enjoy the pics.


1 comment:

Punkin said...


I am not sure which is more precious, my grandson, or reading about how you are adjusting to being a dad! We are so proud to call you our "son". We know that you are doing the right thing for the most important people in your life.

We love you,

David and Lynn