More Colden!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting
I know, I know it has been over a month since my last post, but between Cancun and officially moving everything, that will fit, to Sherman there hasn't been a lot of free time. Cancun was fun, but as Krissi soon learned it's hard to leave the little booger and not see him for a week. He changes daily it seems. He wakes up every morning with a new ability. At this rate we should hit calculus by spring.
He sits with confidence now and moves with more control. He has begun screaming "da daaa da daa dada" a lot and that will never get old. He is eating baby food regularly and watching his face as he figures out these new tastes is great. His favorites tend to be turkey and sweet potatoes and all fruits. We have also found out that he enjoys wearing green peas more than eating them. He is still a drool factory and I can't figure out how he doesn't dehydrate himself with the amount of fluids that are constantly leaving his face. Along with talking and crawling, I think he is teaching himself self defense. I have been throat chopped, eye gouged and he has fish hooked my nostrils on several occasions. He had also perfected the hair pull on Krissi and my favorite... the testicular river dance.
He is extremely ticklish and his laugh makes tickling him addictive. Tickle him too long though and he resorts to one of the moves mentioned above. Consider that a warning. I will set up another post with just pictures to try and to catch up. Enjoy the pics.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Brass Monkey
I love Halloween. I've always really liked Halloween: the candy, dressing up, and a month of scary movies on t.v. But now I LOVE it. I knew dressing Colden up, even if it was against his will, would be loads of fun, but this much fun, come on! He enthusiastically donned his costume and, in true Colden form, began his barrage of facial expressions. I peed my pants! Nuff said. The pics are funny, but to see him waddle around raises it to a whole new level. It's a shame he is growing so fast that this costume will only last a few more weeks, but I'll get every laugh I can out of it.
On top of the enjoyment I get from his new alter ego, he has started real food. I use the term real food loosely. It says green beans on the container, it smell like green beans, but I wouldn't be able to eat much of it myself. I guess it's like baby birds when their mothers chew up the worm then puke it into the baby birds mouth. The green bean fu-man-chu that he wears through out the feeding is comedy gold. It is hard for me to wipe him clean because it's so much funnier with it on. He has also worn a pea mustache and a banana beard. He is slowly becoming a master of disguise. He has enjoyed the things he has been exposed to so far, although he always makes a disgusted face at first while he figures out if he likes what is being shoveled into his mouth.
He has also mastered rolling over. Correction, he mastered rolling over from his back to stomach. The return trip is still being perfected. I'm so proud. I missed his debut, but he was very willing to do multiple repeat performances. He is also "talking" more and more. I think I heard "Daa Daa" and maybe "poo", but that might be wishful thinking on my part. Enjoy the pics.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Just To See You Smile
As I enter week number three on the whole "weekend-dad" ordeal I'm realizing a few things. One, not being able to see him daily is tougher than I had expected. I knew I would miss him, but it's not just seeing him, it's also his contagious happiness, giving him baths, and making him laugh. Two, I can't imagine how Krissi does the daily routine of taking care of Colden, herself and the house all by herself. It's a lot of work when there are two of us to split the duties so I know it's work tackling it all solo. I'm in awe and so proud of her. And three, the apartment is SMALL! Walking into the house last Friday was like walking into a mansion by comparison. Twelve months like this will be a little cozy with three people and two dogs.
No major milestones to mention this week. Colden is working on sitting up by himself and rolling over from his stomach to his back. We will place him on his belly and he will make a solid effort for about twenty seconds. Like his mother he gets flustered at things that don't come naturally right away, so after the initial twenty he's done. With him red in the face and fists clenched we'll roll him over. Once he is reunited with his feet he's all smiles. He's getting a voice. His squeals and giggles give us a small insight to the sounds of his first words. I foresee the days of paper, rock, scissors soon determining who changes the "presents" Colden makes for us. He is slowly perfecting the one that is going to make me hurl. Enjoy the pics.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
It's Been Awhile
Wow, it has been almost a month since my last entry. I've been commuting from Garland to Sherman up until this last Monday, so between that and getting ready to move there has been little time to sit down and write. Ok there is my excuse, now on with info about the boy.
As always he's continuing to grow and everyday he is doing more and more "big boy" things. He started reaching for things like his bottle and toys. As enjoyable as those are to watch, nothing beats when he leans toward and reaches for one of us. He is eating and drinking more and more. In this abundance of feeding, I've learned that his favorite place to expel the overfill is on me. He enjoys waiting for me to let down my guard before he makes a Rorschach ink blot test out of my shirt. So far I've seen a bird, rabbit and Elvis. These "attacks" have no warning, no little gag, burp, or siren. He just opens his mouth and BLAM! On my shirt. Thanks kid. I think the first page in any parenting book should say: Be prepared to have one or more of the following on you at any given time: pee, poop, spit, slobber, vomit, snot, boogers, and excess formula and food. Why don't they sell haz-mat suits at Baby's-R-Us? This barrage of baby ammo is easily forgiven the moment he tilts his head and gives you his million dollar smirk. He is laughing more which means we are laughing more. He seems to be such a happy boy and you can't help but feel good about that.
I'll only be able to see him mainly on the weekends until he and Kris move up here, so I'm pretty bummed about that. I scared I'm going to miss so much, but thankfully it is only going to be for a short time. So the updates I give ya'll will be from these weekends or second hand from Krissi. Heeeeerrrrrrrrrre's Colden!

Friday, September 12, 2008
All Night Long
Colden is sleeping through the night!!!! I knew I would be happy about this before it happened, but I had no idea how ecstatic I would be. He eats at 7:30 and is in bed by 8. He doesn't fall asleep until he has recounted the days events with his musical seahorse, but after he is done... OUT. It's funny to listen to him "talk" over the baby monitor. The inflections in his coos and his little laughs let you know he just told his seahorse something pretty funny. I can just imagine that conversation.... "Well today you should of seen the dump I took. I don't know what Mom is putting in that bottle, but man it must be something fierce. And then, when they were giving me my bath, I made bubbles. Yes bubbles! I know it's pretty amazing. Mom and Dad thought it was pretty cool too, cause they laughed about it for a good while after... I wonder when I eat next... Those fish swimming circles above my bed are kind of mesmerizing... Yea I like that song too... I'm just gonna lay here and ZZZZZZ." Next time he is up is at 6:30. Awesome!
The test run on rice cereal wasn't a huge success, but it is progress. You would think that because he is 1/4 Filipino he would love rice in any form. Not so. He will let you put spoonful after spoonful in his mouth, but he will refuse to swallow. He will wait till his mouth is full then lets it all run out his mouth and down his shirt. He has a bib on, mind you, but he manages to find the small crack in its defenses and send the goo under his shirt and down to his belly. Right location, wrong side. Maybe that's why babies' skin is so soft, they have daily rice cereal spa treatments.
He has also experienced his first college football Saturday at the house. He didn't cry once during the A&M game and I think he even pooped when College Game Day mentioned Texas. He's a smart kid. Enjoy the pics.
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