Wow, it has been almost a month since my last entry. I've been commuting from Garland to Sherman up until this last Monday, so between that and getting ready to move there has been little time to sit down and write. Ok there is my excuse, now on with info about the boy.
As always he's continuing to grow and everyday he is doing more and more "big boy" things. He started reaching for things like his bottle and toys. As enjoyable as those are to watch, nothing beats when he leans toward and reaches for one of us. He is eating and drinking more and more. In this abundance of feeding, I've learned that his favorite place to expel the overfill is on me. He enjoys waiting for me to let down my guard before he makes a Rorschach ink blot test out of my shirt. So far I've seen a bird, rabbit and Elvis. These "attacks" have no warning, no little gag, burp, or siren. He just opens his mouth and BLAM! On my shirt. Thanks kid. I think the first page in any parenting book should say: Be prepared to have one or more of the following on you at any given time: pee, poop, spit, slobber, vomit, snot, boogers, and excess formula and food. Why don't they sell haz-mat suits at Baby's-R-Us? This barrage of baby ammo is easily forgiven the moment he tilts his head and gives you his million dollar smirk. He is laughing more which means we are laughing more. He seems to be such a happy boy and you can't help but feel good about that.
I'll only be able to see him mainly on the weekends until he and Kris move up here, so I'm pretty bummed about that. I scared I'm going to miss so much, but thankfully it is only going to be for a short time. So the updates I give ya'll will be from these weekends or second hand from Krissi. Heeeeerrrrrrrrrre's Colden!

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