Monday, October 20, 2008

Just To See You Smile

As I enter week number three on the whole "weekend-dad" ordeal I'm realizing a few things. One, not being able to see him daily is tougher than I had expected. I knew I would miss him, but it's not just seeing him, it's also his contagious happiness, giving him baths, and making him laugh. Two, I can't imagine how Krissi does the daily routine of taking care of Colden, herself and the house all by herself. It's a lot of work when there are two of us to split the duties so I know it's work tackling it all solo. I'm in awe and so proud of her. And three, the apartment is SMALL! Walking into the house last Friday was like walking into a mansion by comparison. Twelve months like this will be a little cozy with three people and two dogs.
No major milestones to mention this week. Colden is working on sitting up by himself and rolling over from his stomach to his back. We will place him on his belly and he will make a solid effort for about twenty seconds. Like his mother he gets flustered at things that don't come naturally right away, so after the initial twenty he's done. With him red in the face and fists clenched we'll roll him over. Once he is reunited with his feet he's all smiles. He's getting a voice. His squeals and giggles give us a small insight to the sounds of his first words. I foresee the days of paper, rock, scissors soon determining who changes the "presents" Colden makes for us. He is slowly perfecting the one that is going to make me hurl. Enjoy the pics.


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